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1. Scope
These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to all contracts, services, and offers of TrioTrust Treuhand GmbH (here-in-after „TrioTrust“) with registered office at Hertizentrum 14, 6300 Zug, Switzerland. Deviations from these GTC are only effective if they have been agreed in writing.

2. Services
TrioTrust provides trust, tax consulting, personnel and consulting services in accordance with the contractual agreements. The exact scope of the services is specified in the individual order.

3. Conclusion of contract
The contract between the customer and TrioTrust is concluded by signing a written order or by accepting an offer. Verbal agreements require written confirmation to be effective.

4. Fees and payment terms
The fee for the services provided is calculated according to the agreed remuneration or, if nothing else has been agreed, according to the rates applicable at the time the order is placed. All prices are exclusive of statutory VAT. Invoices must be paid within 30 days of the invoice date without deductions. In the event of late payment, TrioTrust reserves the right to charge default interest of 5% p.a. and to suspend the provision of further services.

5. Customer's obligation to cooperate
The customer undertakes to provide TrioTrust with all information and documents necessary for the execution of the order in a timely, complete, and correct manner. Delays or additional costs resulting from incomplete or late information are at the customer's expense.

6. Liability
TrioTrust is liable for direct damage caused by intentional or grossly negligent behavior. TrioTrust is only liable for minor negligence if essential contractual obligations are violated. Liability is limited to the damage typical for the contract and foreseeable. Liability for indirect damage, consequential damage, or lost profits is excluded. The limitation of liability does not apply if mandatory law conflicts with it.

7. Confidentiality and data protection
TrioTrust undertakes to treat all information obtained within the scope of the business relationship as confidential and to comply with the provisions of the Swiss Data Protection Act (DSG). Information will only be passed on to third parties with the express consent of the customer or due to legal obligations.

8. Termination of the contract
Both the customer and TrioTrust can terminate the contract at any time with a reasonable period of notice, unless otherwise agreed. In the event of early termination of the contract, TrioTrust is entitled to compensation for the services provided up to the time of termination.

9. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction
Swiss law applies exclusively to all legal relationships between TrioTrust and the customer. The place of jurisdiction for all disputes is the registered office of TrioTrust Treuhand GmbH in Zug, Switzerland.

10. Final provisions
If individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions are or become invalid, the validity of the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. The invalid provision will be replaced by a provision that comes closest to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. Changes and additions to these Terms and Conditions must be made in writing.

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